Sunday, September 8, 2024

5 Healthy Omelets You Should Try for Breakfast

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What’s the secret to a healthy and yummy omelets ?​
Omelet is a typical breakfast all over the world. It is easy to assemble, easy to cook and super healthy for the body.


What if we told you that we can make your omelet much healthier? So, here’s your guide to making healthy and filling omelets that can keep you full for long.

Omelet with Sauteed Mushroom​

Omelets with Mushroom

Beat some eggs in a bowl. Add salt, black pepper and a little bit of milk to it.

In a pan, add some properly cleaned and cut mushrooms. Cook it with butter. Now add the beaten eggs to the mushroom and cook it on low flame.

You can add onion and coriander leaves to this.

Masala Omelet​s

Masala Omelets

Take lots of spring onions and chop them finely. Chop some onions and green chillies. In a bowl beat 2-3 eggs along with some milk, salt and black pepper. Now pour the mixture on a pan with butter.

Cook it on low flame. You can use a omelet shaper to give a proper thickness and shape to your omelete.

​Mediterranean Omelete​

Mediterranean Omelete​

Blanch a few spinach leaves with butter or olive oil.

Beat the eggs in a bowl with salt and pepper.

Add the egg batter on a pan with butter. When it is slightly cooked add spinach leaves, olives, oregano and chilli flakes on top.

Keep the flame low and slowly wrap the omelet into a roll.

​Cheese Omelet​s

Cheese omelets

For this omelet all you need is 2 good eggs, salt, black pepper powder and lots of parmesan cheese.

You have to beat the eggs properly and pour it on a pan. Keep the flame low and add parmesan cheese on the top. Cover it for a while so that the cheese melts.

Now fold the omelet to secure the cheese inside the omelet.

Vegetable Omelet​s

Vegetable Omelete

This can take more time than other omelets. You need to chop vegetables of your choice finely and then stir fry them in butter.

Beat eggs in a bowl with salt and pepper and pour it over the vegetables slowly. Keep the flame low. You can add onion, cheese and coriander leaves to this. Cook it slowly.

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Also read: Healthy Snacks to Consider Ahead of the Super Bowl

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